I believe poverty is situational and never should be generational. I vehemently believe it never should be criminal.
The Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson, wherein the ruling makes homelessness a crime destroys our basic humanity. Instead of arresting people who are homeless, we as a community must strive to address the key factors of increasing homelessness. A key factor is the severe shortage of decent and affordable housing. Not to mention the challenges with mental health and addiction. No one wakes up in the morning and says they want to be homeless – it is not a choice – it is a reality induced by a shortage of livable wages and decent affordable housing. Fining people who are homeless only furthers their struggle with poverty. It gives them a criminal record now, which certainly does not help in their job searches and/or housing searches. Clearly, the answer is decent affordable housing, period. Let’s continue to focus on our collective humanity.
Jeff Wilhite
Executive Director, Family Promise of Summit County